One Bite Mullet Roe
Packaging Design
客戶 : 鑫溶實業股份有限公司
品牌 : 海岸鮮物
Client :Shin Rong Business CO., LTD.
Published on 03. 16. 2016
品牌 : 海岸鮮物
Client :Shin Rong Business CO., LTD.
Published on 03. 16. 2016
One Bite Mullet Roe
Packaging Design
延續 Coastline 具東方感的形象,採用雙套頭紙盒形式,以沈穩的深底色,搭配具動態感的波浪與海流產生輔助圖騰,襯托出烏魚新鮮又彈牙的美味。悠游於精緻與輕巧之間的設計,搭配適度的金色,除了賦予零嘴高貴不貴的親民形象,亦保留烏魚的尊榮價值。一塊吃吧!把海岸鮮味留存嘴裡。
For continuing the image of eastern sense, take the stable dark color match with the ocean wave and foil out the tasty Mullet Roe. Take one bite! And keep the freshness inside your month.
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