100 years Anniversary
Commemorative Brochure
品牌 : 三宜養蜂世家
Client : Sanyi Bee CO., LTD.
Brand : Sanyi Bee Farm
Published on 10. 07. 2015
2016 Golden Pin Design Award

2016 台灣年度傑出設計公司 商業設計類金獎
2016 Taiwan Advertlsers' Assoclation

100 years Anniversary
Commemorative Brochure
Sanyi Bee Farm is based on honesty for a century, the font stamp design on the cover symbolized Sanyi going through 100 years step by step, every stamp includes deep emotion and effort. Furthermore, the outside box opening line is like a celebration for the hundred years of Sanyi Bee farm, in the content, put the picture of the process of beekeeping and honey-making in the center, trying to lead readers to understand the history of Sanyi. A clean and simple layout just shows persistence and put in with full mind, moreover, Sanyi is also preparing for the next 100 years already.