Taiwan Travel Series
Packaging Design
品牌 : 花果椿妝
Client : SUN VILLAGE Wine CO., LTD.
Published on 02. 13. 2014
2014 Golden Pin Design Award

2014 台灣年度傑出設計公司 包裝設計類金獎
2014 Taiwan Advertlsers' Assoclation

Taiwan Travel Series
Packaging Design
For the past 40 years, we have been following the traditional brewing procedures and using modern sophisticated equipment to make high-quality wine. Based on our deep care for the land and in view of the difficulty of preserving Taiwanese fruits and flowers, we now start to brew wine from fruits and flowers. In order to embody the kindness of people and the fragrance of fruits and flowers for the abundant harvest from the land, we stepped out of the winery, brought the brewing techniques, and really walked into the farmers by the commitment of a contract
Borrowing the image of a Taiwanese flower, the packaging combines a flower bouquet and wine bottle together and is designed as a bottle wrapped in a one-piece flower printed film. This design not only combines beauty and utility but also solves the problem of a boring display of ordinary wine bottles and turns it into a splendid flower exposition.