
TTL Bio Tech 

Malz Beverage Series
Packaging Design

客戶 : 臺灣菸酒股份有限公司
品牌 : 台酒生技

Brand : TTL Bio Tech

Published on  02. 25. 2022

TTL Bio Tech 

Malz Beverage Series
Packaging Design


為更貼近年輕族群市場,我們以麥力覺醒 Mind Change 為主軸,突破以往較為傳統的版面設計,打造出更具吸引力的新潮個性風。以大面積黑底搭配上依口味分別的色塊,勾勒出原物料所獨有的造型,並利用線條與色塊間的碰撞,凸顯出台酒黑麥汁的強烈與獨樹一幟,線性風格帶出俐落酷冷感,讓每一口沁涼都充滿著活力,而麥力便在此覺醒。

在產品名稱的設計上,以明體做為基礎,在「點」與「撇」間加強粗細對比,以明體獨有的人文氣韻,中和版面強烈的個性感,讓整體版面穩重且雅緻;而口味名稱則與文鼎的新字體「大海爸爸」合作,有著溫暖如陽的名稱,以厚實筆畫勾勒出汪洋大海的浩瀚,輔以點、撇、捺的輕柔自由,與黑麥汁的厚實口感與濃烈氣息相互呼應,恰如其分 。

TTL has been operating for more than 120 years, dating back as far as the Japanese occupation period. Under the changes of historical background, TTL has been several reforms and keep releasing new product continuing for following the changes of the times.
With the long historical fermented technology background of TTL, develop the Malz beverage which is popular overseas, that contains light carbonate and rich nutrition value as called vegan beer, that is very nutritious for postpartum women. Moreover, it is also suitable for the enjoy the party who can’t drink.
In order to be closer to the young market, we take the “Mind Change” as the concept to break the traditional layout design, and create a style that is more attractive. The black background matches each color according to the taste, that outlines the shape of ingredients. The line and the color block matches break through the tradition and more show up the strength and uniqueness of TTL Malz Beverage. Every single sip contains full of energy, and mind changes at this moment.
Based on Min font for the product name font design, enhance the thickness contrast on dot and left-falling, that neutralize the strong style layout by the Min text font. In addition, the flavor font used the “Ocean Daddy” which is a new creation text font by Arphicfont. This name shows warming like a sun feeling, and outlines the vastness of the ocean by thick strokes, more express the gentle and freedom by the strokes. In conclusion, the fonts  are chosen match with the Malz Beverages just right by the style and characteristic.

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