點心系列・格雷伯爵珍珠奶茶 包裝設計

Famous House

Snack Series
Earl Grey Bubble Milk Tea

客戶 : 名屋食品廠產業股份有限公司
品牌 : 名屋

Client : Famous House Food CO., LTD
Brand : Famous House

Published on  09. 10. 2020

Famous House

Snack Series
Earl Grey Bubble Milk Tea



Following the original concept Give your life more Flavor”, develop a classic snack series of drinks after released the milk series. Combine earl grey tea with bubble milk tea, which links the west tea and east tea, and becomes a flavorful drink.
Bringing a book, staying at the table, enjoy the afternoon alone, and sip the earl grey bubble tea,taste it gently, chew it slowly. Feel the high-quality life is this easy and simple.
Create the simple line and color on the package design, the soft background color match with the black dot which represent bubbles. The simplicity layout design and the text type make the visual stable and novel.

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