Four Seasons Gift Box
Packaging Design
品牌 : 吾榖茶糧
Client : Linyuan Foods
Brand : SIID CHA
Published on 11. 26. 2015

2016 台灣年度傑出設計公司 包裝設計類金獎
2016 Taiwan Advertlsers' Assoclation

2015 台灣 OTOP 產品設計獎
2015 Taiwan OTOP Award Winner

Four Seasons Gift Box
Packaging Design
以客家擂茶文化為底,將食茶與大自然土地融合,畫面上呈現四季特有的景象,因著茶葉產地變化,注入嶄新元素,創造多樣化口味:春蕎,春日喚呼初醒的味蕾,因循碧螺蕎麥而探索甘醇 ; 夏果,涼爽靜謐之夏,跌醉於果香和蜜香的美人茶中 ; 秋玫,山芒搖曳翩翩,紅玉與玫瑰仰臥於浪漫香甜之秋 ; 冬可,烏龍加入可可的陪伴,如同溫於手中的冬日暖楊,那麼的飽滿而厚實。
Lei cha ,is the unique diet culture of Hakka people.
" three Lei Cha a day ,keep you not fatigue all day ;three Lei Cha everyday, will make you live until ninety eight " ,Hakka people believe that Lei Cha is the main reason which keep them health and long life. Mix fried grain and few tea leaves into the bowl and grind, could be cold and hot drink, blend with water and then enjoy it.
Based on Hakka Lei Cha, combine Siid Cha and natural land, present the landscape of four seasons on package design, for creating multi flavors, add different tastes for the different origin of tea. Spring Buckwheat: add buckwheat in Bi Luo Chun Green Tea, to wake up the taste bud gently. Summer Fruit: enjoy the Beauty Oolong Tea with fruity and honey smell in this cool and chill summer. Autumn Rose: Miscanthus swaying, the Ruby Black Tea, and Roses create this romantic sweet Autumn. Winter Cocoa: mix Roasted Oolong Tea with Cocoa, the thick and strong taste is just like the winter sun is warming your body. For representing the simple and steady. Hence use the gray card for making the inside package to match the wood of the outside box, moreover, shows the elegant style from the layers of color. The simple Hakka culture has a strong emotion toward grain, have a sip and feel the life slowly, also feel the changes of seasons through the grain and tea.