Packaging design
品牌 : 養養健康
Client : PHERMPEP Health BIO. CO., LTD.
Brand : Young Young Health
Published on 08. 04. 2015
2016 Golden Pin Design Award

Packaging design
來自中化健康專業背景的< 養養健康 >,以全方位身體照護專家自許,因應不同生理階段需求,量身打造專屬健康配方。
< Young Young Health > with a background in PHERMPEP Health, as a professional of the omnidirectional body develop specific health formulas for different physical step needs.
The Lactoferin was produced for children, design of the package is different from the traditional systemic nutrition package, with the art style drawing animals and kids, tells through taking the Lactoferin could increase immunity and power! Furthermore, there are coloring cards and crayons inside the box and trying to train the art created for children through coloring, cutting, and building.