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Office Supplies Design
品牌 : 吾榖茶糧
Client : Linyuan Foods
Brand : SIID CHA
Published on 11. 10. 2011
2014 Golden Pin Design Award

2014 台灣年度傑出設計公司 商業設計類金獎
2014 Taiwan Advertlsers' Assoclation

Branding Image
Office Supplies Design
Before a point of time, there were a lot of big round plates weaving by bamboo on which there are lots of grains of all kinds in old-fashioned grocery store. And there are all childhood memories of the founder of LINYUAN FOODS COMPANY LIMITED. “Siid Cha” is the brand is LINYUAN FOODS COMPANY LIMITED’s apparel brand and originated from unsophisticated Hakka Culture in which they have dense emotions toward grains. For this reason, LINYUAN FOODS pours into brand-new element– Lei-Cha, is the refreshment which Hakka people entertain distinguished guests. Besides, the staffs in LINYUAN pay a visit to Hakka Villages around Taiwan and create diversified grain flavors.