2021 Happy Mother’s Day
Motiona Graphic Design
2021 Happy Mother’s Day
Motiona Graphic Design
客戶 : 美可特品牌企劃設計公司
品牌 : VP&P
Client : Victor Branding Design Corp.
Brand : VP&P
Published on 05. 18. 2021
品牌 : VP&P
Client : Victor Branding Design Corp.
Brand : VP&P
Published on 05. 18. 2021
2021 Happy Mother’s Day
Motiona Graphic Design
2021 Happy Mother’s Day
Motiona Graphic Design
There is a career called mother, once you being a mother and you will never take off it.Every period of children’s growing has different worries, and don’t forget to look back at our mother after we have grown when we arechasing freedom and ideal life.See, she is still look up to us, even the child is old.More accompany, fewer regrets, more concern, less worry.For our forever mom,Happy Mother’s Day.