Lim Tea note
National Taichung theater
Pop-up shop design
品牌 : 聆.茶音符
Client : Water city CO., LTD.
Brand : Lim Tea note
Published on 09. 18. 2019
2019 Red Dot Award Winner

Lim Tea note
National Taichung theater
Pop-up shop design
設點於台中國家歌劇院,Lim 聆・茶音符快閃店將茶音流轉的概念帶進櫃體與展架設計,為了方便可拆解及快速遷移,層板以拼圖的方式施工。俯視整體櫃位的曲面及圓弧造型所描繪出的耳朵的輪廓與意象,宛如聆聽與釋放著歌劇院的音樂氛圍,與四周環境共染茶香與音樂交織的優雅情調。
展櫃右側接待櫃台所連接的展架向左蜿蜒伸展,化身為五線茶譜,擺放架上的產品與象徵音符的燈球錯落有致地擺放其中,演繹著一首首美好茶曲 ;而座落於一旁的實體LOGO裝置,連結著旅人與音樂的休憩饗宴。展架配色以簡約黑白色系為主,不僅呼應品牌識別起落的鋼琴琴鍵,也襯托出繽紛的茶產品與簡約俐落的品牌風格。
LIM teanote pop-up store located in National Taichung theater, bringing the concept of tea melody into the counter and display shelf, additionally, the layer of shelf was created like puzzle which could disassemble easily and relocate quickly, and it was the challenge to achieve. Furthermore, the layout of the curve counter and shelf present to a shape of ear just like listening and playing music in the theater, and enjoy the romantic circumstance of the tea smell and music.
From the counter on the right side to the left side shelf transforming to a sheet music, and the products and the bulbs are like the music notes on the sheet music, present to a wonderful song; and the cube made from the image of Logo is also connect the traveler and music in this occasion. In addition, with the black and white color system not only tells about piano on the branding identity and also bringing out the colorful products and simple branding style.