T.K Food
Taiwan Travel Series
Packaging Design
客戶 : 老楊食品
品牌 : 老楊方塊酥
Client : T.K FOOD CO., LTD.
Brand : T.K Food
Published on 01. 28. 2013
品牌 : 老楊方塊酥
Client : T.K FOOD CO., LTD.
Brand : T.K Food
Published on 01. 28. 2013
T.K Food
Taiwan Travel Series
Packaging Design
此款包裝以嬉遊台灣的名勝景點為主題概念。化成八位元(8 BIT)遊戲圖像,一塊塊方格拼湊而成的圖形,既復古又俏皮的風格,宛若方塊酥層層疊疊拼構的意像,緊扣老楊知酥達禮的概念形式,展現方塊酥層出不窮好滋味。外盒造型設計上,延續方形的概念,以上窄下寬的方式呈現梯形立方體造型。塑料提帶方便提攜,回憶小時候提著乖乖桶將美味分享給親朋好友,滿足了大眾童趣歡樂的渴望。
Based on the theme of “visiting tourist attractions in Taiwan”, the brand new TK Food Gift Box uses retrospective and smart 8-bit illustrations to form the images of cubic, representing piles of tasteful cubic pastry. Easy to carry, the trapezoid-shaped plastic gift box brings you the wonderful childhood memory of sharing the candy in the Kuai Kuai Gift Box with your family, relatives, and friends.