Happiness Contract
Happiness Packaging Design
品牌 : 幸福契作
Brand :Happiness Contract
Published on 11. 10. 2011
2012 IF Design Award Winner

2011 比利時 Pentaward 金獎
2011 Pentaward Winner

2011 金點設計獎 包裝設計
2011 Golden Pin Design Award

Happiness Contract
Happiness Packaging Design
小時候長輩們總是告訴我們「汗滴禾下土,粒粒皆辛苦。」要懂得惜福每一粒米的道理,而一碗白飯的形成,不是靠一個人的力量就可以完成。 “ 幸福八寶 “ 集結了幸福契作各具所長,有嚴格把關的李班長、傳遞幸福滋味的阿璐姐、及專注精米的技術達人、控管米質的品管達人、賦予變化的創意達人、堅持理想的有機達人、守護土地的栽種職人、純樸踏實的栽種職人…在八位達人堅守崗位、各司其職的齊心耕耘下,才能造就出充滿幸福滋味的好米香,提供優良品質、精緻純粹的頂級米質。
The plan of this packing series collected Blest Contract’s “Eight Treasures Of Happiness” with class leader Lee strictly checking on the products, Sister A-Lu expressing the taste of happiness, technical expert of polishing rice, expert of controlling rice quality, creative expert of making changes, organic expert of insisting ideals, planting expert of protecting the land, and simple-minded dependable planting expert. Because eight experts insist on and take responsibility for their work respectively, they produce good rice with the taste of happiness and provide excellent quality of rice.