DropMe & TubeMe蜂蜜包裝設計


DropMe & TubeMe Honey
Packaging Design

客戶 : 當支蜜有限公司
品牌 : 當支蜜

Client : BnnBee CO., LTD.
Brand : BnnBee

Published on  06. 20. 2018
2019 德國紅點設計獎 包裝設計
2019 Red Dot Award Winner

2019 金點設計獎 包裝設計
2019 Golden Pin Design Award


DropMe & TubeMe Honey
Packaging Design

「 蜂味輕巧帶著走 」BnnBee 延續美好使用經驗,打破傳統,改善一般蜂蜜罐在傾倒的過程常因不小心手誤而濺灑出來的狀況,量身設計兩款輕巧蜂蜜包裝 —— 瓶裝 DropMe 以及軟管裝 TubeMe

瓶身上皆融入蜂蜜流淌的意象,將蜂蜜的美好滋味從味蕾延伸到視覺享受,以及在瓶蓋上搭配 BnnBee 的識別精神,圓環提把更加方便隨身攜帶使用。小隻瓶身設計,使用上輕巧簡易,直覺的擠壓方式,亦能達到精準的用量。便利度大大升級,美好的滋味我們一滴都不錯過!

BnnBee breaks the tradition and improve the situation of the pouring process, as a result, designed two packages tailored — bottle shape “DropMe” and tube shape “TubeMe”.

On the outside of the bottle has the image with flow down honey trying to bring the beautiful taste of honey out to the visual, also there is a recognition spirit of BnnBee on the cap, last, the ring handle is for carrying conveniently. On the tube design, the squeezing way for control the amount. We don’t want you missing any stunning drop, so we upgrade the convenience substantially FOR YOU : )

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