18 Ranch
Branding Visual Identity Design
Packaging Design
品牌 :十八養場
Client : Jufeng Food BIO. CO., LTD.
Brand : 18 Ranch
Published on 07. 14. 2016

18 Ranch
Branding Visual Identity Design
Packaging Design
沒有任何異味,照料雞隻的細心偏執,第一次探訪位於日月潭的飼養場,便顛覆了我們對畜產業的傳統印象,也由此將品牌命名為「 十八養場 」。
深刻感受品牌以誠實、食安永續為責任,我們在識別上,將品牌名中的 ” 8 ″ 連結無限符號,亦帶出職人日出而作,日落而息的飼養生活。在包裝上,褪去市面上傳統畜產業印象,藉由現代幾何風格的展現手法,提高品牌整體高注目度。從品牌命名、品牌形象到包裝設計,透過整體的規劃,逐步打造一個台灣在地的農畜產專業品牌,落實日常飲食中的生活美。
No strange odor and the careful mind for chickens, subvert the traditional imagination of livestock industry was the first feel that visit the ranch in Sun Moon Lake.
Deeply feel the brand’s honest and they take the safety of food as their responsibility, on the identity design take the”8” connect with infinite symbol, shows the professionals work with sunrise and rest with sunset. On the package design, for improve the high attention of brand, use the modern geometry style to taking over the image of traditional livestock industry.
From branding naming, visual identity to package design, by planning the whole project and build the Taiwan local brand of livestock industry step by step.