Product Introduction
Brochure Design
品牌 : 龍情花生
Brand : Cha Tzu Tang
Published on 07. 02. 2015
2016 Red Dot Award Winner

2016 金點設計獎 視覺傳達設計
2016 Golden Pin Design Award

2016 台灣年度傑出設計公司 商業設計類金獎
2016 Taiwan Advertlsers' Assoclation

Product Introduction
Brochure Design
Follow the traditional spirit of an old master, blend the refined tea oil and tea glycoside with different proportions, and develop the five series of brochures 『 Oil, Hair, Home, Body, Gift 』which are based on the human being. The cover continues the cutting paper style from the gift box, with asymmetry design on the retro paper, present to the life knowledge of nature and craft ingenuity of people. Furthermore, for emphasizing the sense of local and life on the ground, add rich art color to the digital plan for the land. From self-feelings to choosing the gift for people; make all wonderful easier from the overall concern of Cha Tzu Tang.