The Scented Tea Series
Packaging Design
品牌 : 茶米茶
Brand : daebeté
Published on 08. 21. 2014
2015 Golden Pin Design Award

The Scented Tea Series
Packaging Design
“Bring forth the fragrance of flowers, beneficial for tea taste”, the scented tea of dabeté is prepared according to ancient method, using the characteristics of the tea absorbing the fragrance of flower to knead the sweet fragrance of flower and the aroma of tea during scented baking process. It tastes the premium scented tea from local Taiwan without perfume additives. On the other hand, dabeté selects the Taiwan floral variety carefully for adding to the tea, adjusts the proportion for tea and different flowers, then makes the flavor complement each other. To sum up, create the Taiwan local floral tea slowly step by step. This series package design includes “tea’s smell, the fragrance of flower and nature ecological tea farm” present with gentle illustration, create insects of the natural ecological tea farm and match with the scented tea, moreover, create the color system, additionally, make the concept of dabeté stronger.